Presents a unique overview of the spectroscopic tools used in the analysis of small to large biomolecules; Reviews the latest advances, such as electronic valence and inner shell as well as nuclear spectroscopies; Combines experimental results with state-of-the-art modelling techniques; Exploits complementary methodologies furthering the uses and data interpretation of spectroscopic tools; Aims at attractingRead more
The Earth’s environment is an incredibly complex system controlled by an interconnected set of physical, chemical and biological processes many of which we have yet to understand. One of the most important goals of modern environmental research is to determine the role of biological activity on our climate. Although industry ejects huge amounts of pollutantRead more
Radiation Biology and Biophysics Doctoral Training Programme (RaBBiT 2.0) Welcome to the second edition of RaBBiT now with an augmented international panel for advanced training involving different partners: Prof. Pedro Tavares (programme coordinator), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal; Prof. Alice S. Pereira , Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal; Prof. Paulo Limão-Vieira, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,Read more